Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The President of the United States recently scolded the American people by stating that many illegal aliens (though he did not refer to them as such) living in the US had "come forward at great risks to themselves" in hopes that we, the citizens of this great land, would "live up to our values" by "doing the right thing."  I'm guessing that what the president meant by living "up to our values" and "doing the right thing" is that we should overlook the illegality of those crossing the border and welcome them here with open arms.

I don't know about the reader but I have a problem being scolded by the president for believing that illegal means just that - illegal.  I have a problem with the arrest of US citizens who violate the law, yet we look the other way when the "undocumented" do so.  I have a problem when our jails are full of fellow-citizens who've broken the law (and rightfully so), but we allow our cities to be filled with law-breakers from another country. 

I have a problem being scolded by a president over what our "values" should be when his entire administration has been about devaluing the laws and Constitution of the United States.  Granting amnesty to the children of those who disregard and disrespect our laws by coming here illegally is just such a case in point.

It is a crying shame that the president and, yes, his challenger Mitt Romney, feel that the only way to get re-elected (or elected) is to bow to the wishes and demands of those who are here in violation of our immigration laws.  It is a sad day in America, but we have long since abandoned the lofty ideal that the United States government is "by the people, and for the people."  That idea, upon which this republic was founded, has long since been laid to rest without so much as a whimper from the lawful citizenry.

Mr. President, one of the "values" that you spoke of as far as this writer is concerned is that of obeying the law.  It would be extremely nice if you and those likeminded in Congress would value the law by attempting to enforce it.  We don't deport illegal aliens; we encourage them by allowing them to demonstrate in our streets and by not requiring them to learn English.  So, I am a bit confused as to what "risks" they have faced by coming clean.

No, it is not the American people that need scolding.  In fact, we are tired of being told to go sit in the corner while our country is being snatched away from us at ever turn.  It is the blind, egotistical, self-serving leaders of this country that need scolding for allowing such a great republic to slip into the shackles of a third-world nation.  And that, my friends, is my View From the Porch for Tuesday, June 19, 2012.

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