Monday, May 21, 2012


I once heard an evangelist refer to the hot days of summer as "bare season." No, his comment had nothing to do with hunting bear, but had everything to do with people, particularly women, baring undo amounts of flesh to a male population all too willing to take it all in. Just this past Saturday evening I was sitting in a local parking lot and watched a vehicle drive up and park to the right of my location. Out of the vehicle jumped two young females who appeared no older than 18 years of age. As for their dress, let's just say that the short-shorts these young women were wearing were way north of what one would label modest. The giggly girls appeared undaunted by their immodesty and seemed eager to bare as much as was legally allowable to any and everyone willing to watch. When women dress for "bare season" in an immodest fashion they advertise that what lies just beneath their scant clothing has a price tag - and it's very cheap. And for this Monday, May 21, 2012, that is my View From the Porch.

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