Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Failure in the Black Community

Today I had the opportunity to witness to a black gentleman who is in his early fifties. When asked if he was certain that Heaven was his Home when he died he responded with, "Yes, sir!" Upon receiving such an adamant answer I continued my inquiry by asking the gentleman how he, in fact, knew for sure he was headed for Heaven. Without hesitation he replied, "Because I treat people good!" Perhaps the greatest failure of black leaders (so-called preachers) within the black community is their focus on temporal issues. Black "clergymen" have preached civil rights when they should have been preaching Christ. They have waxed eloquent on equality yet remained gravely silent about eternity. They have been enamored with solidarity among themselves at the expense of preaching salvation. These leaders have failed their community by failing to clearly and powerfully preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and call men to repentance and faith in Him. They have preached a social gospel which merely meets the temporary needs of mankind and by doing so have failed to present plainly the way of salvation found only through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). A sad day of reckoning awaits these charlatans parading as God's ministers.

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  1. Hi from the KJV blog directory. Be sure to check out our re-launch page. Thanks so much for keeping us on your side-bar : ) Please pray for our re-launch so all blogs on our list can see increased success and impact God's kingdom.

